Selamat Datang di abstract blog @pentarif selamat membaca :) Hanya tulisan yang tidak seberapa penting :): Oktober 2012

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Untitled 4

posting terakhir kemaren masih semangat buat kejer cita-cita, ehh minggu" ini malah drop lagiii begitu jg dengan iman, jdi suka nggak shalat --" tpi untungnya si iman ini sudah normal lagi tgl "semangat"ny yang beloomm. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa nanti nyesel dapet IP dbawah 3, nanti nyesel ga dapet beasiswa, nanti nyesel matkulny ada yg ga lulus .......................

semangat plis pentaaaaaa :'(

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Untitled 3

everybody know that "single" is your CHOICE to choose, but "jomblo" is your FATE. haha xD
but why I'm saying this? actually I really don't know either.
not a long time ago, someone said that to me and I feel so "JLEEBBB" and I don't know why. :')

well finally I figured it out how to enjoy this life and choose the "Single" one.
(but, when the right times come we have to choose "DOUBLE" right? :D :D :D)

I don't have to regret anything, because what? We know it's a waste.

I declare this, "I'm on pursuit of my dreams" so .... wish us LUCK and blessed by Allah SWT.

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

"Embrace Your Dreams, and whatever happen, protect your honor" - Zack Fair, Angeal Hewley.